Premium Residentials

Whats the main difference between the two?

New adidtions to premium residentials include:

  • Various pools and regions to choose from

  • Exclusive drop pools to ensure unbanned proxies

  • The ability to use different pools

How do I make a list of proxies?

  • Navigate to and click to the premium residental tab

  • Here there will be a wide range of options for regions and pools for websites

    • If you see your website listed, please select that pool and use any of the various lists for that website

    • If you do not see your website listed, please use the region you are located in to ensure the fastest speeds on a website

What is the difference between the fast and safe lists?

  • The fast residential list will work on that specific website faster but is more successable to a ban of the ip

  • Safe lists are slower speeds but are less likely to get banned in the event of running low delays

Will the regular residential proxies be removed in the near future?

Last updated